Using C++ and modern OpenGL, I wrote a demo exploring a different approach to rendering transparent objects to reduce CPU overhead.

Traditional transparency approaches require additional CPU computation to sort objects, where this demo moves the computation to the GPU.

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The C++ Logo
Godot's implementation of AMD's FSR 1

Godot AMD FidelityFX Super Resolution

Using C++, I implemented AMD's FidelityFX Super Resolution in Godot for it's upcoming 4.0 release

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The C++ Logo
Screenshot of an FPS game made in Godot


Using the Godot game engine, I wrote a first person game.

It features a single level, physics based player and enemy movement, an easy to navigate UI, and a enemy AI that uses a behavior tree

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The Godot Logo
Screenshot of an topdown shooter made in UE4

Topdown Ships

Using the Unreal Engine 4, I created a game that used both C++ and Blueprints.

In this game, the player shoots endless waves of enemies to try to achieve a high score.

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The UE4 Logo
Picture of a generic chip

Emulator 6502

Using C, I wrote an emulator for the 6502 CPU.

It is designed to be extremely customizable in how it's connected to different devices using memory mapping.

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The C Logo
Picture of code documentation


Using Python, Django, and Docker, I explored CRUD and REST principles.

In this demo, users can post and vote on polls using a SQL based database. Django is then ran within a docker container.

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The Python Logo
Picture of C code


Using C, I wrote a simple heap manager that works on POSIX and Windows systems.

The heap uses a linked list approach for simplicity.

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The C Logo